US Secretary of Transportation Pete Buttigieg visited the City of Lancaster on Wednesday 5th of June 2024. Through the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law the City of Lancaster has received a 12M Safe Streets for All program grant to improve its streets and roads to reduce traffic accidents. This is part of the US Department of Transportation’s national roadway safety strategy.
City of Lancaster Mayor Danene Sorace, PA Transportation Secretary Mike Caroll, PA State Rep Ismail Smith-Wade-El and the City’s engineering team guided US Secretary Buttigieg through some completed projects in the City such as the bike lanes on Lemon street and Walnut street, Charlotte street’s two-way restoration and Water street’s upcoming bicycle boulevard project.
Secretary Buttigieg praised “Lancaster’s commitment to safety and understanding that improving biking and pedestrian infrastructure is not ornamental, it is fundamental. I see that happening and it is something I would like to see other communities in the region and country emulate.” He is very encouraged to see all those pieces adding up to what he thinks will be a better and safer future that is good for the downtown area and local economy in Lancaster.
He mentioned that he and Mayor Sorace had a conversation at the US conference for Mayors back in January where she described some of the experiences at the high crash intersections in Lancaster. “It is one thing hearing those experiences sitting around the table in Washington. It is another to see it for yourself, and most importantly, to see the steps taken to improve. Something like a bike lane is too often treated as a recreational element in Pennsylvania. It is a life-saving means of transportation in Pennsylvania.”
Secretary Buttigieg’s visit ended at Penn Square and a short walk through Lancaster’s Central Market. I was fortunate to be able to ask him a few questions on biking and his perception of Lancaster. He noted that he “is really stuck by how rich of a historic tradition there is here, and how the community is leaning into the future at the same time.” Furthermore, it was great to hear he personally enjoys biking, especially in a place that is set-up well for it.

U.S. Secretary of Transportation Pete Buttigieg, accompanied by Mayor Danene Sorace, visited Lancaster City on June 4, 2024.
Bryant Heng is a Bloomberg Harvard City Hall Fellow studying how Lancaster City can make transportation better. Learn more here.